Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009


Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009


Green day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Lirik Lagu Indonesia Terbaru

Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009

Soal latihan pronoun

Soal latihan pronoun

A. complete the sentences with him/her/them

1. I don’t know those girls. Do you know .................................?

2. I don’t know tha man. Do you know .................................?

3. I don’t know those people. Do you know .................................?

4. I don’t know Bill’s wife. Do you know .................................?

5. I don’t know Mr. Joe. Do you know .................................?

6. I don’t know Gate’s parents. Do you know .................................?

7. I don’t know the woman in the black dress. Do you know .................................?

B. complete the sentences. Use I/me/you/she/her etc.

1. I want to see her, but ..................doesn’t want to see ...................

2. They want to see me, but ...................don’t want to see ..........................

3. She wants to see him, but .............................................................................

4. We want to see them, but ..............................................................................

5. He wants to see us, but ..............................................................................v

6. They want to see her, but ..............................................................................

7. I want to see them, but ..............................................................................

8. You want to see her, but ..............................................................................

C. complete the sentences

1. I don’t eat tomatoes. I don’t like them.

2. George is a very nice man. I ..... ..............................

3. This jacket isn’t very nice. I ................... ....................

4. This is my new car. Do ..............................................?

5. Mrs. Clark is not very friendly. I .........................................

6. These are my shoes. ............................................?

D. complete the sentences

1. Who is that woman? Why are you looking at ....................?

2. ‘Do you know that man?’ ‘Yes, I work with ....................’

3. Where are the tickets? I can’t find .............................

4. I can’t find my keys. Where are .........................?

5. We’re going out. You can come with ............................

6. I’ve got a new computer. Do you want to see ..........................?

7. Maria likes music. ................plays the piano.

8. I don’t like dogs. I’m affraid of ..............................

9. I’m talking to you. Please listen to ............................

10. Where is Anna? I want to talk to ..........................

11. You can have these CDs. I don’t want ..........................

12. My brother has a new job. But ............... doesn’t like ..........................

E. complete the sentences

1. I need that book. Can you give it to me?

2. He wants the key. Can you ..................................

3. She wants the keys. Can you ...............................

4. I want the letter. Can you ......................................

5. They want the money. Can you .......................................

6. We want the photographs. Can you ............................................

F. complete the sentences

1. I’m going to wash my hands.

2. she’s going to wash ......................................

3. we’re going to wash......................................

4. he’s going to wash......................................

5. they’re going to wash......................................

6. are you going to wash......................................?

G. complete the sentences

1. He lives with his parents.

2. They ........................................................

3. We ........................................................

4. Jane ........................................................

5. I ........................................................

6. John ........................................................

7. Do you ........................................................?

8. Most children ........................................................

H. complete the sentences

1. Do you like your job?

2. I know Mr. Watson, but i don’t know .....................wife

3. Alice and Tom live in London. ..........................son lives in Australia

4. We’re going to have a party. We’re going to invite all ........................friends.

5. Anna is going out with ........................ friend this evening.

6. I like tennis. favourite sport.

7. ‘Is that’ ‘No, i haven’t got a car’

8. I want to phone Maria. Do you know .........................number?

9. Do you think most people happy in

10. I’m going to wash before I go out.

11. This is a beautiful tree. ........................leaves has beautiful colour.

12. John has a brother and a sister. is 25, and ..............sister is 21.

I. complete the sentences

Coat homework house husband job key name

1. Jim doesn’t enjoy his job. It’s not very interesting.

2. i can’t get in . i haven’t got .................................

3. Sally is married. in a bank.

4. Please take off ..............................................and sit down.

5. ‘What are the children doing?’ ‘They’re doing .......................................’

6. ‘Do know that man?’ ‘Yes, but i don’t know ................................................’

7. We live in Barton Street. at the end on the left.

J. complete the sentences

1. It’s your money. I’ts yours.

2. it’s my bag. I’ts ...................

3. it’s our car. It’s ........................

4. they’re are her shoes. They’re .....................

5. it’s their house. It’s ............................

6. they’re your books. They’re .............................

7. they’re my glasses. They’re ............................

8. it’s his coat. It’s .......................

K. choose the right word

1. it’s their / theirs problem, not our / ours.

2. this is a nice camera. Is it your / yours ?

3. that’s not my / mine umbrella. My / mine is black.

4. whose books are these? Your / yours or my / mine?

5. Catherine is going out with her / hers friends this evening.

6. my / mine room is bigger than her / hers.

7. they’ve got two children, but i don’t know their / theirs name.

8. Can we use your / yours washing machine? Our / ours isn’t work.

L. complete the sentences

1. i went to cinema with a friend of mine.

2. they went on holiday with some friends ...................................

3. she’s going out with a friend ..................................

4. we had dinner with some ..................................

5. i played tennis with a ..................................

6. tom is going to meet .............................

7. do you know those people? Are they ...................................

M. complete the sentences

1. We invited her to stay with us at our house.

2. He invited us to stay his house.

3. They invited me to stay ........................................... house

4. I invited them to stay

5. She invited us to stay

6. Did you invite him

N. complete the sentences

1. i gave him my address, and he gave me his.

2. i gave her ............. address, and she gave me....................

3. he gave me .....................address, and i gave ......................

4. we gave them ......................address, and they ...........................

5. she gave him ............................address, and he gave ...........................

6. you gave us ........................address, and we gave ...........................

7. they gave you .........................address, and you gave ........................

O. complete the sentences

1. where’s amanda? Have you seen her?

2. where are my keys? Where did i put ...........................?

3. this letter is for Bill. Can you give it to ......................?

4. We don’t see .............................neighbours much. They’re not at home very often.

5. ‘I can’t find my pen. Can I use ..................?’ ‘Yes, of course’

6. We’re going to the cinema. Why don’t you come with ....................?

7. Did your sister pass .........................exams?

8. Some people talk about .........................all the time.

9. Last night I went out for a meal with a friend of ..........................

P. complete the sentences

1. He looked at himself at the mirror.

2. I’m not angry with you. I’m angry with ............................

3. Karen had a good time in Australia. She enjoyed ............................

4. My friends had a good time in Australia. They enjoyed ............................

5. I picked up a very hot plate and burnt .............................

6. He never thinks about other people. He only thinks about .........................

7. I want to know more about you. Tell me about .................................

8. Goodbye! Have a good trip and look after .......................

part of speech

Ini merupakan postingan pertama artikel tentang Bahasa Inggris saya, dalam postingan kali ini saya akan membahas mengenai delapan bagian dari tata bahasa atau Part of Speech. Part of Speech merupakan modal awal bagi anda jika anda ingin belajar mengenai grammar. Namun kali ini saya akan menjelaskan secara garis besarnya saja, lebih detailnya akan dijelaskan pada postingan berikutnya lagi.

Part of Speech

(Delapan Bagian dari Tata Bahasa)

1. Noun (Kata Benda)

a) Proper : Ali, Bandung

b) Common : book, pen

c) Material : fish, gold, water

d) Collective : army, team

e) Abstract : beauty, walk

2. Pronoun (Kata Ganti)

a) Reflexive : my self, your self, her self, him self, its self, our selves, them selves.

b) Indefinite : it, one, those who

c) Reciprocal : each other, one another

d) Interrogative : who, whom, what, which, whose

e) Personal : I, you, we, they, she, he, it

f) Possessive : mine, yours ours, theirs, hers, his

g) Demonstrative : this, that, these, those, such, the other, yonder, some, one, ones, former, latter

h) Relative : who, whom, whose, that, what

3. Adjective (Kata Sifat)

a) Quality : clever, fat, beautiful, strong

b) Quantity : some, much, enough, whole, little, no, any, all, half, sufficient

c) Numeral :

Definite numeral :

Cardinal number : one, two, three, etc…

Ordinal number : first, second, etc…

Multiplicative : a pair, double, ten fold, dozen, gross, etc…

Indefinite numeral :

some, any, many, no, a few, few, several, various

d) Possessive : my, your, her, his, its, our, your, their

e) Distributive : each, every, either, neither

f) Demonstrative : the, this, these, that, those, such, a another

g) Interrogative : which, what, whose

h) Proper Adjective : Indonesia, American, Turkis, English, Dutch

4. Verb (Kata Kerja)

Auxiliary verb : to be, to do, to have, modals

Transitive verb : want, eat

Intransitive verb : sleep, go

Regular verb : watch, open

Irregular verb : sing, run

5. Adverb (Kata Keterangan)

a) Manner : bravely

b) Quality : hard, fast

c) Quantity : a little, nearly, rather

d) Time : now

e) Place : here

f) Frequency : always

g) Sentence : certainly

h) Degree : too, very

i) Interrogative : when, where, why, how

6. Preposition (Kata Depan) : to, at, in, on, of, up, by, for, off, from, with, past, into, under, behind, near, till, until, after, before, between, among, beside, besides, through, without, towards, over, above, below, along

7. Conjunction (Kata Sambung) : and, both, also, as well as, no less…than, not only….but only…but also, either…or, neither….nor, else, otherwise, but, still, yet, nevertheless, however, whereas, while, only, therefore, so, so then, for, then

8. Interjection (Kata Seru) : hurra !, ah !, hello !

Selasa, 08 September 2009

The Dance Company – Papa Rock N Roll

The Dance Company – Papa Rock N Roll

papa memang harus begini

sering bikin sakit hati

papa gak pulang beibeh

papa gak bawa uang beibeh

papa mungkin seminggu dibali

nyari panggung sana sini

papa gak pulang beibeh

papa gak bawa uang beibeh

bukanlah rasa untuk lari

itu tuntutan profesi

papa gak pulang beibeh

papa gak bawa uang beibeh

mama please, please don’t be angry

papa sibuk …

papa gak pulang beibeh

papa gak bawa uang beibeh

pengen kayak Bon Jovi (I’ll be there for you)

rock star yang sayang istri

mama aku disini

memelukmu lagi

one more time

pengen kayak Bon Jovi

rock star yang sayang istri

mama aku disini

memelukmu lagi

papa memang harus begini

sering bikin sakit hati

papa gak pulang beibeh

papa gak bawa uang beibeh

papa mungkin seminggu di bali

nyari panggung sana sini

papa gak pulang beibeh

papa gak bawa uang beibeh

papa gak pulang

gak bawa uang

papa gak pulang

papa gak bawa uang

Koleksi The Dance Company yang lain.
Mp3 Download & Lirik Lagu The Dance Company – Papa Rock N Roll
Gambar Artis Indonesia

Download Youtube Video Clip The Dance Company – Papa Rock N Roll
Foto Artis Indonesia

Rabu, 02 September 2009

gempa tasikmalaya panik warga indonesia

Rabu, 2 September 2009 | 21:28 WIB

TASIKMALAYA, - Para korban gempa bumi dievakuasi ke rumah sakit setempat. Jerit tangis keluarga dan anak-anak menggema di ruang perawatan.

Gempa berpusat di 140 kilometer barat daya Tasikmalaya berkekuatan 7,3 skala richter. Data sementara hingga kini korban tewas akibat gempa mencapai 25 orang
Sedikitnya 1.082 rumah di Kota dan Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat (Jabar) rusak berat dan ringan akibat gempa bumi berkekuatan 7,3 Skala Richter yang mengguncang wilayah tersebut pada pukul 14.55 WIB, Rabu (2/9).

"Informasi yang saya terima, hingga kini kerusakan rumah akibat gempa sebanyak 684 rumah rusak ringan dan 398 rumah rusak berat," kata Ketua Satuan Koordinasi Pelaksana Penanggulangan Bencana Alam (Satkorlak PBA) Sukabumi Letkol (Inf) Muhammad Yusuf kepada wartawan, Rabu malam.

Menurut Yusuf yang menjabat sebagai Komandan Kodim (Dandim) 06/07 Sukabumi, kerusakan rumah tersebut terjadi di hampir setiap kecamatan di Kota dan Kabupaten Sukabumi. Bahkan tembok Balai Kota Sukabumi retak-retak. "Yang paling parah terjadi di wilayah Sukabumi bagian selatan," katanya.

Selain itu, kata Dandim, ada juga sebuah masjid di daerah Cisaat yang rusak parah akibat gempa dan satu unit kantor Koramil di Jampang Tengah juga rusak berat. Ia menyebutkan, hingga kini pihaknya belum mendapatkan informasi soal adanya korban jiwa akibat bencana ini, namun ada lima orang pekerja bangunan mengalami luka-luka karena terjatuh dari atap pabrik dengan ketinggian sekitar delapan meter.

"Lima orang tersebut dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Hermina untuk mendapatkan perawatan medis. Empat orang sudah sadar, satu orang lainnya belum sadar," katanya. Ia mengatakan, kelimanya merupakan warga Kecamatan Sukaraja, Kabupaten Sukabumi.

Untuk membantu masyarakat yang rumahnya rusak akibat gempa, kata dia, pihaknya akan menerjunkan pasukan untuk membantu masyarakat memperbaiki rumahnya yang rusak. "Kami siap membantu masyarakat bila kondisinya benar-benar penting," katanya.